Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Sneakiest of Sneak Peeks

Cleft : Puft :

Coming soon to : Puft :

This post is about a week too early, but I got really excited about this next hair project that I'm now waay ahead of schedule.

So instead of sitting on it, I figured why wait.

ETA June 10th 2015 (Maybe sooner)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Meet The Creator


This is the first ever post of : Puft : Hair Inc. Woot!

: Puft : is a hair store made to accentuate the naturally kinky curly hairstyles we all know and love. Owned by Kiena Acacia and Rina Ilyx : Puft : is a collaboration with the Ghast Punx to deliver 100% original mesh hair designs.

This weeks blog is here to introduce you to the brand, to myself the creator of : Puft :, and highlight the first design. So without further adieu here is a little about me and where this all started.

Rina Ilyx: Mesh designer

I've been working on creating a store in Second Life off and on for about four years and have successfully made some random stuff and small mesh commissions through my own marketplace store, but nothing that I've wanted to do for an extended period of time. Most of what I made was small projects I did as I taught myself how to use programs for 3D modeling. So yes I'm self taught. I currently work as an artist, photographer, and sculptor while I haphazardly make my way through school.

: Puft : came about after a few members of The Ghast Punks, a teamspeak guild, happened upon this photo.

Unknown Artist

Knowing I had been struggling with some ideas they suggested this be the first of many natural hairs for Second Life avatars.

Thus : Puft : was born

: Puft : Rhythm

: Puft : will be releasing its first hair, Rhythm, on Wednesday may 27th on second life marketplace.

Stay tuned for bi-weekly blogs and possibly even some sneak peeks on future projects.

Thanks for reading

Hope to see you all rockin those pufts!

Ki and Ferk waiting for Rina