Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Back On Track!

New from : Puft :!

Hey everyone,

It's been an interesting month and a half. There are a lot of changes to : Puft : some very visible, some not so visible. Either way exciting things are happening.

First, one of two in-world stores are up and ready to go @ Jade
Jade is home of Luna Mystica Premium Deluxe Sandbox & Hangout that Rina often frequents while she is working. She has a great relationship with the sim owner. So when : Puft : became more popular than initially expected, the sim owner lended her a hand when it came to rental space.

I say all this because this sim is unfortunately adult only. No children are allowed.

Now I do want to say to all the kids out there that there is so much love for you cuties. We had another sim lined up and just as we were working it out we found out the sim closed. We are currently looking into a family friendly sim for an additional store. So please bear with us while we get that worked out.

Okay so some other business news, Rina spent the entire weekend working on a script so she can down size the amount of scripts in the hud. So instead of 30+ you have 3 or 4. Woo!

Alright now for the fun stuff New Releases!!!
Tempo by : Puft :
A bit high and tight for those going for that corporate pined up look

Cadence by : Puft :
And a little on the left long and loose chill with our without a headband.

This hair comes with an accessory hud that works to give you texture options as well as color options with some tintable textures on the bottom. It also comes with a mirrored version... you can actually thank the green guy in the Tempo picture for the mirror request. He has very refined taste for a goblin.

For the next few days Rina will be out of commission but I'll be here to answer any questions resolve any issues etc. So please feel free to IM me, Kiena Acacia, for anything

Thank you for rockin the : Puft :

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Also be sure to add us to SL groups to stay up to date on everything : Puft :