Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bass N Treble: Can I be all about both?

New from : Puft :!

This was a tough week in terms of focus... probably cause I have 0. However I managed to muster up just enough to get this done.

Next week I'll be looking into some buildings for a small in world store thanks to all : Puft :'s wonderful customers for it's sudden success.

Now it's nap time for sure but not without giving you guys some info on what inspired this one.

This song is one of those songs you get caught singing on the top of your lungs so good. If you haven't heard it Check it out here!

Hope you all enjoy!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Clef by : Puft :

Its Finally here!!
Clef: by : Puft :

This is THE hair that kept me sane while I was making the packaging and adverts for : Puft :.

This one was inspired by my new favorite character (after binge watching Steven Universe) Garnet. If you haven't watched it check out the below picture.

As awesome as garnet is I couldn't make it completely square so it took on its 70's disco diva style over-pufed shape. If your following me on Flickr you probably saw I couldn't even wait to release this one, and uploaded yet another sneak peek.

I next release I'll try to quell the excitement and stay true to a release every 2 weeks or so for the summer, but who's complaining if it's sooner right.

Thanks for checking in as always!