Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Contest Winners! New Hair! Exhausted :P

New from : Puft :!

Mezzo by : Puft :
Its that time again the release of new hair. I am in love with this one... but I'm in love with all the : Puft : creations so I guess this is nothing new. 

This maaaay be the last release for alittle while, because of a pending move. I will try to sneak in another hair before I go but its unlikely I'll have enough time if I do indeed move. Which I just confirmed just as I'm about to click publish is for sure happening lol.

In the mean time I do hope everyone enjoys this one. Your reviews, your likes on flickr, your wonderful IMs, and to the few customers with MP issues thank you all for being so lovely. It really makes this little store all the more fun to work on. 

Now the real news who won the contest?

This was a little interesting cause there was only one entry and 5 hairs to give away. I'm chalking this up to being so new to the market, but I'm not discouraged there will be more contests and giveaways to come, so stay tuned. Also if you entered this contest and something went terribly wrong please feel free to IM me Rina Ilyx or Kiena Acacia. 

Now I'm gonna go veg out on the couch watch some TV and contemplate what room I'm going to start packing.

Yeah that tired.

Enjoy the : Puft :!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Flickr Contest And Sneak Peek

Its time for another sneak peek!
Mezzo by : Puft :

Rin working on Mezzo
The last few weeks have been crazy busy for miss Rina. Among a thousand other things her car broke down and she had to purchase a new one. So we both figured this would be a great time to do a contest while she does the finishing touches on Mezzo the newest addition to : Puft :. Check out the rules below and good luck!!

: Puft : Flickr contest rules
Submit a photo with any : Puft : product 
tagging : Puft : Hair with the caption : I need the : Puft :
Winners must also be a follower of : Puft : Hair

5 winners will be announced on release day of Mezzo

Future contests will be announced on
Twitter- @PuftHair
Sl group- : Puft : {Update Group}

Be sure to keep posted you'll never know which one it will be.

Winners will be announced on release day July 15th. Pictures can be made with any product including demos. Good luck!!